9 skills to win an argument

Don't do this - it doesn't work well

Being able to argue your point effectively, and persuade the another party that your views are correct without raising tensions is a valuable skill. In this post I will cover some tips that I have picked up from real world situations. What you find below can be used practically anywhere - especially in spreading the Gospel.

1.) Honesty.

This is the basis for the discussion. If you are not honest, then you can easily create an emotionally charged situation.

2.) Be calm.

This goes with being honest. When you are calm, no matter how the other party is acting, you keep control of yourself and the conversation. This aid in keeping the other party calm, and more apt to listen to what you have to say 

3.)  Listen.

Listen to what the other party is saying.

Listen to what they are saying, not how they are saying it. This is critical, and will give you needed information to response to them in an appropriate manner.

Remember you have 2 ears, and 1 mouth!

4.)  Meet them where they are at

Meet the other party where they are at. If they are not knowledgeable on the subject, keep how you discuss the subject in simple terms, talking in a way that they understand.

Likewise, if the other party is knowledgeable about the subject, stay on their level if you are able. This brings us to our next point -

5.) Be Relatable

The goal is to leave the discussion and be on friendly terms - even picking up a new friend. Never lose sight of this!

When you persistently show interest in the other party, 2 things happen.
#1  You learn more about the other person and how they operate
#2  You are able to build a closer relationship with them, if needed. Being able to find mutual footing with the other party allows you to both look at the topic in question from the same side!

This is critical and should never be lost sight of!

6.) Keep the discussion civil

The goes with being relatable. Civility means no personal attacks and having manners amongst other things. Even if the other party goes to the low of personal attacks, you shouldn't !

If things start to go south, it is better to just leave the discussion than to throw insults back. Be the better person!

7.)Keep the focus!

Keep the focus on the resolution of the topic being discussed.

True conflict resolution can't happen if the topics discussed always shift away from what the subject in question. Stay focused, and politely keep the conversation where it needs to be to resolve it.

8.) Keep listening!

Never stop listening. Always try your best to understand where the other party is coming from. Ask questions that further help you understand the other party.

9.) Conclude

If you are wrong, don't be afraid to admit it! This goes back to making sure that you keep with honesty. If you don't think that you are wrong, respectfully ask to continue the discussion when you have more information. 

Best case scenario, you have won over a new friend, and they agree with your point made.

Worst case is that both of you mutually disagree, but still can remain civil and talk further.

And thats it! 6 points/tips that greatly aid in winning over others and in argument. 

Used effectively, I hope that you find these helpful in many areas of life.

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