A Monotheistic Trio

What is the Trinity? ( For non- Christians/ new Christians)

The Trinity, simply put, is that God has 3 different 'forms' known as 'Persons' - The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each holds a different role, but each is fully the same God.

1.) God the Father who is in Heaven

2.) God the Son is Jesus Christ, who came to Earth, taught people about the Kingdom of God, and how to live. Christ then, living a perfect life, was executed and paid the ultimate price for our sin ( See The Gospel in a Nutshell)

3.) The Holy Spirit resides in believers, and holds many roles. He helps us in various ways

A Common Objection

The concept of the Trinity is central to traditional Christianity, but it holds a unique postion in where the Trinitarian concept is never outright mentioned in the bible.

This presents some unique talking points, especially with some Jews and Muslims who will flatly object to this concept. Typically from what I have seen, these objections go from 'you worship 3 gods' or 'thats not true because....'. The Trinity is a relatively simple concept, but not immediately apparant to some. It is important to make known to people outside the faith the fact the Christianity is a monothiestic faith, and we worship the ONE Living God.

I usually refer people who object to the Trinity to Genesis 1:26, where God says to 'Let us make man in our image'

This is a significant passage - a passage written ages before the events in the New Testament; but shows there is more to God than a passing glance would give.

Jews, and sometimes others will see this, and bring up that Genesis 1:26 is God talking to Angels.

This is impossible.


Because God SPOKE the world into existance. Since He spoke creation into existance, we can be sure that angels were not 'creating'. The Angels are not listed as creators in Genesis - but God is. 

Furthermore, in the second creation account in Genesis 2, we see that He formed us from the earth - further reinforcing that it was God speaking the 'us' and 'our' in Genesis 1:26.

This must mean that there is more to God.... the Trinity.

This is the simplest way I know to prove that the Trinity is real, and as a central concept, this is important!

If you find that you are witnessing with a Jew for example, it is important to draw evidence from a source that they trust - like the Old Testament. They have no reason to place any trust yet in the New Testament, short of a work by God leading them there. 

Hope this helps!

Interested in Christianity? The Gospel in a Nutshell can be a good place to start! And Church of course :)

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