We are to be fighters - fighting to both tell others the truth of our faith, but also to live our faith. We fight daily to resist sin, and evil.
Christianity is not passive. God is not standing still, and demands that we do the same.
He has blessed us immensely. Jesus tells us that those who love Him will follow His commands(1). Love God. Love others.
Part of this is spreading the Gospel- but these seemingly simple commandments go so much futher.
Our Christian love can't keep still - it is lead by God Himself through the Holy Spirit. We can demonstrate this love daily in how we treat others, and even by how we think of others.
As a whole, we must be willing to stand for what is right. To be Christian and let your fellow Christian brother/sister fall into sin and do nothing is not good - we can lovingly point out their fault, and try to help them.
If our secular neighbors demand we make our families accept sin, we can politely tell them 'no'. Our faith comes first, and love demands we take care of our families first. Pray for your enemies.
Our strength comes from the confidence we can have in Christ. We can literally know that death is not the end, and those who may hurt that body have no power over the soul.
It is the Holy Spirit that empowers us. He has come and gives us words to speak. He is love itself, and teaches us love. He causes us to feel guilt when we sin. He comforts us when we are low.
God loves us - and He loves those who want what is wrong too. They need Him!
I pray that as a Christian, God will use me. I pray that by some way, He will find me fit to do some work for Him. I hope you will do the same.
He has blessed us beyond measure - He has saved our souls from an eternity in Hell. While we can never repay Him, we certainly out of a loving and grateful heart can offer ourselves to Him, as a willing and ready people to do His work.
1.) John 14:23, ESV
'Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.'
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