A word of encouragement...
Trust God for today; He loves us and cares for our needs when we need them. The sooner we learn this, the easier life is.
It is a simple as looking to the Lords Prayer:
Matthew 6:9-13, ESV
"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil"
(Emphasis mine)
In this beautiful prayer that Jesus has given us, it shows that we lean on God for our needs today. He blesses us with what we need today.
Tomorrow is not promised - yet God has blessed us with the gift that we can go to Him, and lean on Him for our needs. He cares for all life, and when it is time to go to be with Him - He has provided a means through Christ.
For those reading this, wondering why your prayers for immediate solutions to all problems are not answered - consider this:
The earth requires rain for life, but if God provided all rain at once at the beginning, wouldn't this create...issues? It definitely would ( catastrophic flooding, etc.)
No, instead God provides for the earth as it is needed. It rains when it is needed, and it is dry when it is needed. It works the same way in our lives - What God provides for us today, is what we need for today.
If we are given a bad situation, maybe it is a learning experience, an opportunity to lean on God and grow as a Christian. Thank God for the growth!
If we are given a good circumstance, it is a blessing from God. Praise Him!
So trust Him! This is the blessing of being Christian - We have access through prayer to the Creator of the Universe, who loves us more than we can comprehend.
As a Christian, we have to trust God with our souls for eternity - and eternity starts today.
All we have to do is trust Him.
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