Christian Morality and the World around us....
So much of Christianity has come into focus in recent years - Politics, Society, and so many others have looked at Christianity and asked 'How could you! That's intolerant!'
What really is being questioned here is not us - no, it is the moral groundwork we stand on.
Simply put, and not to sound to much like a cliché, Christians answer to a higher power - God.
As Christians, our example in this life is Jesus Christ, who is God incarnated in human flesh. It is through Him that we are saved (See The Gospel in a Nutshell), but also Christ is our teacher. He laid the groundwork of morality itself, and lived a perfect life without moral error.
This is why Christianity has absolute morality which is objective in the sense that it is not dependent on us deciding what is right from wrong. God is perfect and holy to Christians. He has set before us what is right, and what is wrong. There is no in-between here - and to wrong God is considered sin (literally committing an action that separates us from God)
This raises the question though - What does God define morality as? And how does this square with others who might not believe in God?
This question is actually one of the central topics of the Christian faith - How are we going to live our life?
Without going to far with citing the bible here, Christians are instructed love God, and love our neighbor(1). These are a major foundation to our faith.
We love God first, by following His commands, and trusting in Jesus for our salvation.
We love our neighbor by wanting what is best for them. This might not always be what they want, but should reflect what they need. This includes caring for them, not wishing bad things on your enemies, helping them where you are able, etc.
We love our neighbor by wanting what is best for them. This might not always be what they want, but should reflect what they need.
What this does not include in giving your neighbor things that will harm them. We should not help supply a drug addict, give support to morally compromised legislation (ie: supporting abortions, supporting the LGBTQ crowd for marriage/ adoptions, going to war 'just because', etc)
We would not (and should not) lend our support to these because they either are going to harm others, or go directly against what God has defined as right from wrong.
At its core though, Christianity teaches love. God first loved us, and as Christians, we are to spread this love to others. We try - but Christians are human, and mistakes happen. People commit horrible crimes in our name, but they don't even represent a shadow of those who truly follow Christ and place Love first in their lives.
In its purest form, Christianity is a reflection of Love itself - and this Love is literally God(2). And it is this same Love we hope to spread and change the world.
Cited Verses:
1.) "But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And t*he second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”"
Matthew 22:34-40, ESV
2.) "Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8, ESV
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